

National Pollutant Inventory Reporting and other Environment Related Consultancy Services for Australian Industry

ACN 660 411 692

E-mail: peter@NPIplus.com.au    Mobile: 0412 621480   


Review of the National Pollutant Inventory

In November 2016 State and Federal Environment Ministers of Australia noted the importance of robust information to support the management of pollution in Australia, and noted the role of the National Pollutant Inventory in providing this to governments, industry and the community. Ministers acknowledged that the list of 93 substances reported under the scheme had been almost unchanged since its inception.

Ministers agreed to review the NPI focussing on identifying whether the right substances were being reported, the most valuable information was being collected and whether its collection was cost effective. Ministers agreed to terms of reference for a review of the National Pollutant Inventory.

The review will include:

  1. An assessment of the extent to which the NPI contributes to the achievement of the desired outcomes specified in the National Environment Protection (National Pollutant Inventory) Measure 1998, and whether those outcomes remain appropriate.
  2. The scope for improving the performance of the National Pollutant Inventory, considering:
    • user experience, international benchmarks and use of data to meet international reporting needs
    • accuracy of reporting by industry, including any need for strengthened compliance and enforcement measures
    • interaction with other government programs, particularly those that monitor or manage emissions, wastes and hazardous substances
    • potential costs and benefits of alternative delivery models (including alternative legislative frameworks).
  3. A comprehensive review of the National Environment Protection (National Pollutant Inventory) Measure 1998, as provided for in subsection 33(1) of the Measure.
  4. Consideration of sustainable resourcing models for the effective operation of the National Pollutant Inventory, including options for cost recovery.

Here is more information about the review and how you can make input.

You can also contact the relevant government agency in your state as shown here on the NPI government website.

News item added 22 December 2016, updated 18 April 2019 and 28 May 2021, by Peter Eriksen

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