

National Pollutant Inventory Reporting and other Environment Related Consultancy Services for Australian Industry

ACN 660 411 692

E-mail: peter@NPIplus.com.au     Mobile: 0412 621480    


About NPI+

Peter Eriksen is Principal Consultant at NPI+ and has worked for over thirty years in government and consulting.

Peter gained experience of a wide range of environmental issues from his work in various roles at EPA Victoria from 1990 to 2005 with specific insight into the issues facing industry NPI reporters from his work with EPA Victoria's NPI Team.

After working at EPA Victoria, Peter worked as a consultant with Mike Lyons and Associates P/L, GHD P/L and Northmore Gordon P/L. This work involved preparing NPI and NGER reports, air pollution modeling studies and other work for companies in a range of industries including mining, petroleum, printing, food and others. Peter has also lectured for many years at Swinburne and RMIT Universities on environment related issues.

Peter is a member of the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ), an organisation for the promotion of professional, ethical and competent practice.

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NPI+ operates from a solar powered office and drives low emission vehicles
Carbon emission offset
NPI+ offsets remaining carbon emissions
Updated 24 July, 2024