

National Pollutant Inventory Reporting and other Environment Related Consultancy Services for Australian Industry

ACN 660 411 692

Telephone:   0412 621 480  or   E-mail: peter@NPIplus.com.au


Updated NPI Handbook for Combustion in Boilers

NPI Emission Estimation Technique (EET) Handbooks are regularly updated. Whenever referring to a hard copy version of a Handbook, please be sure to check that the version number and publication date matches the latest version of the document as shown on the NPI website (here). Using an outdated Handbook could cause errors in NPI calculations and require you to resubmit your NPI report.

An updated version of the Combustion in Boilers manual has recently become available on the NPI website:

Combustion in Boilers v 3.5 June 2011

The main changes in the manual since version 3.3 (there was no version 3.4) is enhancement of emission factors related to wood fired combustion processes.

Please contact peter@NPIplus.com.au if you have any questions about how NPI+ can help you meet the requirements of the NPI for the 2010-2011 reporting period or any requests to create software tools to calculate emissions or other information described in NPI Handbooks.

News item added 3 September 2011, by Peter Eriksen

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Website updated 1 July, 2022