

National Pollutant Inventory Reporting and other Environment Related Consultancy Services for Australian Industry

ACN 660 411 692

Telephone:   0412 621480    E-mail: peter@NPIplus.com.au


NPI manual updates

NPI reports for the 1 July 2011 - 30 June 2012 reporting period are due on 30 September 2012.

A number of NPI Emission Estimation Technique Manuals have been updated since last financial year's reports were submitted on 30 September 2011.

Whenever you refer to an NPI manual, please ensure that its version number matches the latest version of the document on the NPI website (here). Using an old manual could cause errors in NPI calculations and require you to resubmit your NPI report at a later date.

Manuals which have been updated since last year's NPI reports were submitted include:

Fuel and organic liquid storage - version 3.3 (May 2012)

Explosives detonation and firing ranges - version 3.0 (January 2012)

Fossil fuel electric power generation - version 3.0 (January 2012)

Fugitive emissions - version 2.0 (January 2012)

Mining - version 3.1 (January 2012)

Combustion in boilers - version 3.6 (December 2011)

Version 5.3 of the NPI Guide was published in May 2012.

If you are required to submit a National Greenhouse and Energy (NGER) report as well as an NPI report, it is important to avoid inconsistencies in information reported to government under the NPI and NGER programs.

Please contact peter@NPIplus.com.au if you have any questions about how NPI+ can help you meet the requirements of the NPI for the 2011-2012 financial year reporting period ... including integrated NGERS and NPI reporting solutions to avoid inconsistencies in government reporting.

You can also contact the relevant government agency in your state as shown here on the NPI government website.

News item added 18 April 2012 (and updated 3 June 2012), by Peter Eriksen

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Website last updated on 1 July, 2022